RE.ACT.FEMINISM #2 – a performing archive

This comprehensive, thoroughly researched archive offers a compelling argument for re-locating feminism (in all its forms) as a fundamental force, shaping the political dynamics of performance art from its formative years up to the present. After three years of project development, seven exhibitions across Europe and numerous events – we are very happy to present […]
Team 10 East. Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism

This volume coins the term Team 10 East as a conceptual tool to discuss the work of Team 10 members and fellow travellers from state-socialist countries – such as Oskar Hansen of Poland, Charles Polónyi of Hungary, and Radovan Nikšic of Yugoslavia. This new term allows the book’s contributors to approach these individuals from a […]
Imagination/Idea. The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art. The László Beke Collection, 1971

In August 1971, László Beke, renowned Hungarian art historian and curator of several progressive art events of the 1970s, sent out a call to 28 artists, asking them to submit sheets that would fit into A4 document folders, following the concept: WORK = the DOCUMENTATION OF THE IMAGINATION/IDEA. Beke arranged and preserved the sheets he […]
Sixpackfilm – Distribution catalog

Sixpackfilm presents the entire collection of films and videos directed by Austrian artists including the work of Peter Kubelka, Kurt Kren, Linda Christanell, VALIE EXPORT, Maria Lassnig, Hans Scheugl and Ernst Schmidt jr., short films by then upcoming directors like Barbara Albert, Jessica Hausner, Marie Kreutzer and Ulrich Seidl and much more. The publication is […]

Liquidation is an interdisciplinary project concerning questions of visibility in response to the often invisible processes of privatization. With a curatorial framework that New York curator Sarah Lookofsky conceived and produced for Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina, its Zagreb iteration includes the addition of several works by Croatian artists chosen by the curatorial […]
Give Citizen a Chance – Central European Forum, Bratislava 2013

The publication Give Citizen a Chance is the result of the fifth Central European Forum, held from 15 to 17 November 2013 at Pisztory Palace in Bratislava. This conference was organized by the Bratislava non-profit Project Forum together with the Prague-based Václav Havel Library as part of events marking the anniversary of the 1989 Velvet […]
An Meine Völker! Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918

In 1914, one hundred years ago, World War I broke out. To mark this occasion the Austrian National Library is dedicating an extraordinary exhibition with the title An Meine Völker! Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918 (To my peoples! World War I 1914–1918) and will present the library’s comprehensive collection relating to this key incident that shattered […]

MAKE.A.MATCH (initiated by Katharina Schendl) gave artists Carte Blance to develop a project, but with one restriction: they have to collaborate with another artist, a stranger chosen by the curator. What happens if this premise is put into action? What are the strategies the artists will use in these “arranged marriages”? Ana Prvacki + Magda […]
Spasi znak!

Spasi znak! (Save the sign!) is a project proposing the conservation and protection of old factory signs, writings and logos in the Zagreb area. After the collapse of various factories and industrial plants that once were among the most important elements of development and economic prosperity in former Yugoslavia, the factory signs are often the […]
Parallel Lives. A Documentary Theatre Project on Secret Police in Eastern Europe

A documentary project on communist secret services in the former Eastern bloc Parallel Lives. A Documentary Theatre Project on Secret Police in Eastern Europe is a long-term project of Slovakia’s international theatre festival Divadelná Nitra in 2013: Six teams of artists from six countries (Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania) created plays and performances […]
PIONIRI – Meine Geschichte, unsere Geschichte

A group of young adults from Salzburg turned out to be real pioneers when they decided to go on an adventure to sit down and discuss together the wars in former Yugoslavia, develop and offer workshops and documents on the topic. All of them are in some kind of relation with the country and of […]
Július KOLLER – Galéria Ganku

Július Koller, UFOlogist, sceptic and game-player, is considered the key figure in 20th century Slovak art. The Ganek Gallery (Galéria Ganku) is a book devoted to reconstructing one of his most important artistic projects. This legendary gallery was situated on a mountain peak, highly regarded by climbers, in the High Tatra range. Although no works […]
Was bleibt. Fragmente einer fortwährenden Vergangenheit / What remains. Fragments of a continuous past

In the framework on the Nazis’ racial ideology Roma and Sinti were recorded, deported into extermination camps and finally murdered. The author‘s family history allows the readers to understand that these were real persons, humans with their own unique biographies and histories of repression. It also aims at showing the consequences that persecution and murder […]
Syria’s War. A Journal of Pain

In a series of photographs captured in Syria on the territories controlled by rebel groups, Narciso Contreras provides us with insights into everyday occurrences of the Syrian civil war. The scenes of suffering, pain and destruction from the midst of battles between Assad’s army and the rebel groups bear witness to one of the worst […]
Država u krevetu. Međunarodna izložba / State Abed. International exhibition

The exhibition is the final event of the course “Feminisms and social changes in contemporary art practices” at the Academy of Fine Arts University, Split 2012/2013. This course, held by Natasha Kadin, aimed at introducing and mapping the phenomena of feminisms and contemporary feminist art in South-Eastern Europe during the social and political changes over […]
Staatsgrenze 1981 – 1983

Between 1981 and 1983, Japanese photographer Seiichi Furuya, based in Graz, took photographs at the Austrian border towards the former Eastern bloc nations. In contrast to the media attention devoted to the inner German border and the division of Berlin, Furuya was searching for images in the inconspicuous and at times even idyllic border territories […]
Grey Gold. Czech and Slovak Female Artists over 65

This monograph follows an eponymous exhibition project conceived by curators Vendula Fremlová, Terezie Petišková and Anna Vartecká, which was presented at the Brno House of Arts from May to August 2014. The publication’s central catalogue section presents the photographic documentation of the exhibition and follows its specific architectonic designs and individual exhibits. It is preceded […]
Civil Society Index – Rapid Assessment. Rahmenbedingungen für die Zivilgesellschaft in Österreich

After a year of intensive collaboration between the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship of the WU Vienna and CIVICUS, the research project Civil Society Index was completed in early June and presented its results on 16 June 2014 at a press conference on the premises of the Austrian National Parliament. Within a […]
“Traducerile au de cuget să îmblînzească obiceiurile …” – Rumänische Übersetzungsgeschichte – Prozesse, Produkte, Akteure

The history of translation is a transnational phenomenon that needs to be examined beyond language boundaries, although the translation process as such takes place between two languages and has been conceived in national terms for more than one hundred years. As part of this transnational system of translational activity, Rumänische Übersetzungsgeschichte (Romanian History of Translation) […]
Handbook for International School Projects

The handbook is a new resource for teachers and students, providing a wide range of information, advice, ideas and good practice examples for the successful launch, management and realisation of international school partnership projects. Whilst the book’s examples stem from the school exchange project aces – Academy of Central European Schools, findings and content are […]
Parallel Lives – Reader

The Parallel Lives reader includes five stories from each country participating in the project. They are stories that the creators came across while doing research in the archives of communist secret police organisations and that they have composed in an original way. Diverse stories of people whose lives were fatally influenced by the secret police are […]
Ion Grigorescu: Diaries 1970–1975

Ion Grigorescu is one of the seminal visual artists of his generation in Eastern Europe. In recent years, his complex body of work has attracted increasing attention in the West, entailing a reading of his oeuvre through the prism of canonized Western art histories. This first English edition of his diaries from the crucial years […]
Performative Gestures Political Moves

While acknowledging the “problem of performativity”, Performative Gestures Political Moves nevertheless lingers on the term, exploring its echo in the research focused on what should thus also be considered as an effect of the performance of power – on art and theory production in so-called “Eastern Europe”. The book does not (only) represent the research […]
Tomáš Pospiszyl: Asociativní dějepis umění. Poválečné umění napřič generacemi a médii (koláž, intermediální a konceptuální umění, performance a film)

The collection of essays by Tomáš Pospiszyl entitled Asociativní dějepis umění (An Associative History of Art) follows in the wake of his book Srovnávací studie (Comparative Studies) [Agite/Fra, Prague 2005]. It is a set of freely interlinked texts that analyse selected examples of Czech post-war art in chronological order using a similar methodological perspective. While […]
Brian O´Doherty: Uvnitř bílé krychle. Ideologie galerijního prostoru

Few essays have garnered as much immediate response as Brian O’Doherty’s Inside the White Cube, originally published as a series of three articles in Artforum in 1976, and subsequently collected in a book of the same name. The story goes that the issues of Artforum containing O’Doherty’s texts sold out very quickly, and as he […]
Nesvrstani Modernizmi / Non-Aligned Modernisms

These seven publications explore the political modernism developed through the political practises of non-aligned countries and its reflection in the production of new social relations, public spaces and representations in visual arts and urban studies; its potential for todays’ globalised art, culture and politics. The publications entered the field of debates on European political and […]
ERSTE Foundation Annual Report 2013

ERSTE Foundation publishes annually a report with information and figures related to its work. The Annual Report 2013 shows what has been done in this year, describing specific projects, their objectives and accomplishments, as well as the highlights of our work. In addition, it provides the foundation’s financial statement and gives an overview of developments […]