“Frieden bauen heißt weit bauen”

Von Brüssel ins Amselfeld und retour: Mein Beitrag zu Kosovos/Kosovas Weg in die EU (From Brussels to Amselfeld (Kosovo Field) and back: my contribution to Kosovo’s/Kosova’s path to the EU) The Republic of Kosovo/Kosova celebrated the tenth anniversary of its independence on 17 February 2018 – a good moment for Ulrike Lunacek, a Kosovo rapporteur […]
Is teaching always political? New challenges in higher education

PATTERNS Lectures conference publication The final conference of PATTERNS Lectures 2016/17 dealt with the topic “Is teaching always political? New challenges in higher education”. Currently, this question is more timely than ever. Within the programme of PATTERNS Lectures 2016/17 a passionate discussion about freedom of speech in the classroom, the role of university teachers and […]
Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe

Hopes and Realities of Return Returning migrants have been involved in post-socialist transformation processes all across Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Engaged in politics, the economy, science and education, arts and civil society, return migrants have often exerted crucial influence on state and nation-building processes and on social and cultural transformations. However, remigration not only comprises […]
ERSTE Foundation Annual Report 2017

ERSTE Foundation publishes annually a report with information and figures related to its work. The Annual Report 2017 differs from the reports of previous years in many respects. While the refreshed, simple logo gives it a stronger presence, the new visual design featuring coloured areas that shade into one another also conveys the idea that […]