
Texts by: Ivana Bago, Milena Bartlová, Boris Buden, Karel Císař, Cosmin Costinaş, Ekaterina Degot, Branislav Dimitrijević, Marta Dziewanska, Charles Esche, Christine Frisinghelli, Boris Groys, Daniel Grúň, Tom Holert, Christian Höller, Nataša Ilić, Maud Jacquin, Leonida Kovač, Izabela Kowalczyk, Anders Kreuger, Roman Kurzmeyer, Kim Levin, Tevž Logar, Antonia Majaca, Boris Marte, Ewa Majewska, Susanne Neuburger, Peter […]
Little Warsaw: Rebels

This book has been published on the occasion of the OFF-Biennale Budapest 2017 GAUDIOPOLIS 2017 – The City of Joy. Through films, installations, and a wide variety of media, Little Warsaw addresses historical memory and confronts personal encounters with social experience. In the research, publication, and exhibition project Rebels, the artist duo revisits the revolutionary […]
Monuments Should Not Be Trusted

This publication was produced on the occasion of the group exhibition Monuments Should Not Be Trusted, curated by Lina Džuverović. The exhibition brings together over 30 leading artists and groups from the “golden years” of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – the period between the early 1960s and the mid 1980s. Over 100 artworks […]
Július Koller. One Man Anti Show

Július Koller is one of the most important Eastern European artists working since the 1960s, whose art had and has considerable international significance. This is the most comprehensive exhibition of the Slovak artist’s work to date, documenting his independent contribution to the neoavantgarde and based on painstaking research into his art and archives. Koller’s work […]
Dan Perjovschi – Vybrané správy / Selected News

Dan Perjovschi (*1961, Sibiu) is a Romanian visual artist and reporter whose artwork includes drawing, comics and graffiti. His realistic, satirical comments on the current political situation are featured on the walls of world-famous galleries. He is planning to create a site-specific installation named Selected News in the Kunsthalle. He will be using the New […]

The book’s concept is based on the framing of film images with new layers of their reading. Images and texts document the search for the original, uncensored version of the film Mueda, Memória e Massacre (Ruy Guerra, 1979). They play out the mystery of the cultural production and ideological control. The one-word title UHURU, translated […]
Enchanting Views: Romanian Black Sea Tourism Planning and Architecture of the 1960s and 70s

The volume is an extension of the main research themes explored by the exhibition Enchanting Views. Romanian Black Sea Tourism Planning and Architecture of the 1960s and 70s, held in the Sala Dalles of the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest between 10 October and 23 November 2014. Inviting recognized authors from the fields […]
Team 10 East. Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism

This volume coins the term Team 10 East as a conceptual tool to discuss the work of Team 10 members and fellow travellers from state-socialist countries – such as Oskar Hansen of Poland, Charles Polónyi of Hungary, and Radovan Nikšic of Yugoslavia. This new term allows the book’s contributors to approach these individuals from a […]

Liquidation is an interdisciplinary project concerning questions of visibility in response to the often invisible processes of privatization. With a curatorial framework that New York curator Sarah Lookofsky conceived and produced for Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina, its Zagreb iteration includes the addition of several works by Croatian artists chosen by the curatorial […]
An Meine Völker! Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918

In 1914, one hundred years ago, World War I broke out. To mark this occasion the Austrian National Library is dedicating an extraordinary exhibition with the title An Meine Völker! Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918 (To my peoples! World War I 1914–1918) and will present the library’s comprehensive collection relating to this key incident that shattered […]
Država u krevetu. Međunarodna izložba / State Abed. International exhibition

The exhibition is the final event of the course “Feminisms and social changes in contemporary art practices” at the Academy of Fine Arts University, Split 2012/2013. This course, held by Natasha Kadin, aimed at introducing and mapping the phenomena of feminisms and contemporary feminist art in South-Eastern Europe during the social and political changes over […]
Grey Gold. Czech and Slovak Female Artists over 65

This monograph follows an eponymous exhibition project conceived by curators Vendula Fremlová, Terezie Petišková and Anna Vartecká, which was presented at the Brno House of Arts from May to August 2014. The publication’s central catalogue section presents the photographic documentation of the exhibition and follows its specific architectonic designs and individual exhibits. It is preceded […]
Dincolo de oraş / Beyond the City

This Romanian-English publication develops the themes of the exhibition. Seven chapters attempt an illustrative profile of the recent reality in rural areas on Romanian territory. On the whole, there are two kinds of materials: Texts which are primarily theoretical, describing phenomena in a synthetic manner. Some of these texts introduce chapters, others are independent essays. […]
Dim. Stolittja zmin / Home. A Century of Change

From September 2011 until March 2012 the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe organized in Lviv the exhibition Home: A Century of Change, which explored the history of dwelling in its cultural and social dimensions, as well as in its political and ideological contexts throughout the 20th century. The exhibition looked at home […]