ERSTE Foundation Annual Report 2019

ERSTE Foundation publishes annually a report with information and figures related to its work. 2019 was an exceptional year, for Erste Bank and its owner, ERSTE Foundation. They celebrated the 200th anniversary of both their founding and the savings bank idea in Austria. We used the occasion as an opportunity to examine what the idea […]
The ERSTE Foundation Tipping Point Talks 2019 – Possibility | Audacity

The Tipping Point Talks present ERSTE Foundation’s contribution to the 200th anniversary of the savings bank idea in Austria, curated and realised by Verena Ringler. In 2019, ERSTE Foundation welcomes great thinkers, researchers and pioneers of action from around the globe to reflect on and cross-fertilise each other’s thinking and to embrace an urgent moment of […]
Come closer / Pojď blíž : Guide Prague

Exhibition catalogue in English and Czech. Curated by Vit Havránek and Tereza Stejskalová. The Biennale Guide comprises information about the first edition of the Biennale Matter of Art from 22 July until 15 November 2020. This publication is available at ERSTE Foundation Library or as free download.
COME CLOSER The Biennale Reader

The reader COME CLOSER was published on the occasion of the first Biennale Matter of Art and presents various perspectives on class, race, and gender differences as they manifest themselves in the specific contexts of post-socialist states—in their histories as well as in the present day. The focus is on art as a specific language that can […]
Creativity Exercises: Emancipatory Pedagogies in Art and Beyond

Texts by LÁSZLÓ BEKE, ILDIKÓ ENYEDI, MIKLÓS ERDÉLY, ÉVA FORGÁCS, JANNA GRAHAM, DÓRA HEGYI, SÁNDOR HORNYIK, ZSOLT K. HORVÁTH, EMESE KÜRTI, ZSUZSA LÁSZLÓ, DÓRA MAURER, MARION VON OSTEN, FERENC MÉREI and TAMÁS ST.AUBY, AXEL WIEDER. How do people learn, what do they know, and how does it influence their personality, their behavior and their position in society? These […]