Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Monitoring 2019

Civil society and its organizations play an important social, political and economic role in democratic countries. They provide (social) services, represent interests of minorities or vulnerable groups, perform a watchdog function towards politics and public administration, and contribute to community building by involving different people, e.g. in volunteering and membership. The existence of a vivid […]
The ERSTE Foundation Tipping Point Talks 2019 – Identity | Normativity

The Tipping Point Talks present ERSTE Foundation’s contribution to the 200th anniversary of the savings bank idea in Austria, curated and realised by Verena Ringler. In 2019, ERSTE Foundation welcomes great thinkers, researchers and pioneers of action from around the globe to reflect on and cross-fertilise each other’s thinking and to embrace an urgent moment of […]
ERSTE Foundation Annual Report 2018

ERSTE Foundation publishes annually a report with information and figures related to its work. The Annual Report 2018 differs again from the reports of previous years in many respects. While the refreshed, simple logo gives it a stronger presence, the new visual design featuring coloured areas that shade into one another also continues to convey […]
After Piotr Piotrowski: Art, Democracy and Friendship

The book offers a critical approach to the legacy of Piotr Piotrowski (1952–2015), who has become one of the major figures in the discourse of both East-Central European art history and global art history. It focuses on an aspect of his writing that is less well-known to the international audience: his interest in the political […]
Neviditeľné múzeum / Invisible Museum / Nadikhuno muzeumos

This book follows up on the exhibition organised at in Bratislava from November 29, 2017 to January 27, 2018. The exhibition, which was initiated by artist Oto Hudec, was a proposal to reflect on the idea of a museum of Romani culture in Slovakia. This book was conceived as a new format for the further envisioning […]