13 September – KUNST KANN FEST
5.30 pm – opening of the autumn exhibition
“Cinkos / compliz*in: Sári Ember and Ralo Mayer”
7.00 pm – cozy party in the courtyard
with the band “Kinky Muppet”
In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland

cinkos/kompliz*in: Sári Ember und Ralo Mayer
How does one design, think and organize together? Hungarian artist Sári Ember (* 1985 in São Paulo) and Austrian artist Ralo Mayer (* 1976 in Eisenstadt) intertwine, negotiate and become entangled in an attempt to pursue this question. In their joint exhibition at the Kunstverein Eisenstadt, they present visionary and utopian ideas for a sustainable life, examining the relationship of humans to objects and their past.
Cover picture: San Francisco Space Colony (based on a NASA-picture of Rick Guidice, 1975), 2014. Photo: © Ralo Mayer / Bildrecht GmbH