Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe

Hopes and Realities of Return Returning migrants have been involved in post-socialist transformation processes all across Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Engaged in politics, the economy, science and education, arts and civil society, return migrants have often exerted crucial influence on state and nation-building processes and on social and cultural transformations. However, remigration not only comprises […]

Gendering Post-Socialist Transition

Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives The studies of Gendering Post-Socialist Transition presented in this volume follow the economic, political, social and cultural effects and traces of system changes in the lives of women and men after 1989 in eleven countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The contributions from nine research teams from different Central and […]

SEE! Urban Transformation in Southeastern Europe

Can we draw on the experience of different independent initiatives and associations in Southeastern Europe to draft and collate typical development and qualification strategies for periods of urban transformation and post-conflict situations, and apply them to similar urban situations elsewhere? The publication presents different approaches to this topic and answers the question in the affirmative. The […]